Electric Vehicle charger

Certified company for electric car charger installation

With extensive expertise, we install home automation systems, lighting, and electric vehicle charging equipment. Our services ensure your needs are met, reflecting excellence and integrity in analysis, design, installation, and maintenance.


  • Our electric vehicle charging station installation service offers different levels of chargers, and we help you choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • We also have a team of licensed electricians dedicated to providing the service with safety and convenience.

What we offer

Our charging station installation solution has reduced charging time and can be installed in 240-volt outlets, reducing charging time from 20 hours to 4 hours.

We work with various brands of charging stations, including the Tesla Wall Connector.

You have total and comprehensive technical support from our specialists for:

  • Technical visit
  • Analysis and planning
  • Location definition
  • Equipment selection
  • Installation
  • Maintenance

Support and flexibility

Our electric vehicle charging station installation solution offers full support, easy and efficient usage, and reduces costs related to vehicle charging.

Contact us